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Gleber Amaral


"Who is  a Hindu? Anyone searching after truth is a Hindu.

Nobody has monopoly on God and truth.

There is only one truth, only men describe it in different ways."

                                                     Rig-Veda (The very first book of Hindus)


Prambanan Temple is situated in Yogakarta in Central Java, Indonesia.

It is a well know ancient Hindu Temple. It was built in the 9th century for Trimurti, as expression that God is Creator (Brahma), Preserver (Vishnu) and also the Destroyer (Shiva).

Prambanan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, being one of the largest Hindu temples in Southeast Asia.

Surrounding the main complex are ruins of hundreds of smaller shrines.

Also pictured above is Candi Sewu, an 8th century Temple located 800m north of Pambanan , which is the second Buddhist Temple in Indonesia.


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