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Gleber Amaral



"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."

Lao Tzu



Waterberg Plateau Park is located in central Namibia. The plateau and the national park are named after the prominent  table mountain that rises from the plateau.

The Waterberg Plateau is a particular prominent location, elevating high above the plains of kalahari of eastern Namibia. As the Plateau is largely inacessible from beneath, several of Namibia's endangered species were relocated in the early 70's to protect them from predators and poaching to extintion.

Waterberg means water mountain. the north slope of the rocky formations have coloured lichen growing on them in contrast to the reddish colour normally found.

Geologically, the oldest rock stratum is over 850 million years old and dinosaur tracks were left there some 200 million years ago.



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