Gleber Amaral
"Deep in the South American jungle two men bring civilization to a native tribe ... One will trust the power of prayer.
One will believe in the might of the sword."
The mission - Roland Joffe
A Jesuit Reduction was a type of settlement for indigenous people in South America created by the Jesuit order during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Ruins of the Jesuit Reduction of Sao Miguel are located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil.
The Jesuit mission was to widespread the Catholic Church beliefs and give a chance of salvation to those not baptised in the church. The indigenous people were expected to convert to Christianity upon being baptised but not necessarily to adopt European values and lifestyles. Under the leadership of "Caciques" and Jesuits, the reductions achieved a high degree of autonomy within the Spanish colonial empire. With the use of free indian labour, the reductions became economically successful. When their existance was threatened by the incursions of Bandeirantes slave traders, Indian militia were created that fought against the colonists. The resistance by the Jesuits to slave raids, as well as their high degree of autonomy and economic success, have been cited as contributing factor to the expulsion of Jesuits from the Americas in 1767. This part of south american history was the basis for the film "The Mission", film with Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons with music by Enio Morricone.