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Gleber Amaral



"We only have the land for a short time

and then we must leave it intact."

                                                                 maasai proverb


The Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic group of semi nomadic warrior tribe living in Southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.

The Maasai, a unique and popular tribe due to their long and preserved culture, still practice their traditional way of life and live as pastoralists. Though they traditionally dressed in animal skins, nowaday typical Maasai dress consists of red colourful sheets (shuka) wrapped around the body and loads of beaded jewellery placed around the necks and arms. Women shave their heads and usually walk bare footed.

The traditional Maasai village consists of a number of small cow dung made huts with thatched roofs. The huts are placed in a circle with livestock in the middle and a thick thorny fence for protection against the nightly predators.



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