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Gleber Amaral



            "This is Burma, and it will be quite unlike any land you know about."

rudyard Kipling - Letters from the East, 1898


The intha people have lived and worked on the waters of Inle lake for generations.

Inle lake  fishermen are known for practicing a distinctive rowing style which involves standing at the stern on one leg and wrapping the other leg around the oar.

This unique style evolved for the reason that the lake is covered by reeds and floating plants making it difficult to see above them while sitting. standing provides the rower a view beyond the reeds.

However, the leg  rowing style is only practised by men. Some fish in slender boats using conical shaped nets. From time to time a fisherman will tap the boat's hull with his oar, hoping to scare a fish out in the pen. When he spots any movement, he thrusts his conical framed net to the lake's shallow bottom then releases the ring that holds the net within its frame and the billowing mesh drops. Quickly, with one well balanced and precise motion, the net and fish are back on board.



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