Gleber Amaral
"As the world blazes forward into the bright, and sometimes blinding, light of progress, there are those who continue dwell in the beautiful simplicity of the past."
The Himba people are indigenous people living in the Kunene region, as referred to as Kaokoland, in the northern of Namibia and in Angola.
Himba women are famous for covering themselves with "otjize" paste, a cosmetic misture of butterfat and ochre pigment to cleanse the skin over long periods due to water scarcity and to protect from the extremely hot climate as well as against mosquito bites. They also burn incense as the smoke works as an anti-microbial body cleansing, as well as acting as a fragant deodorant, made by burning aromatic herbs and resins.
As a result of their isolation and secluded lifestyle, the Himba still hold to their culture and traditional way of life.
The himba is considered the last (semi) nomadic people of namibia.