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Gleber Amaral

Haleakala Crater

"the use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are"

Samuel Johnson


"Haleakala National Park" is on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

Haleakala is one of the largest craters of dormant volcano in the world and measures about 30 kms in circumference.

Haleakala volcano is still considered an active volcano and since several eruptions have taken place within the last 1000 years, it is subject to monitoring and is likely to erupt again at some point.

Haleakala is a massive shield volcano that forms 75% of the island of maui

The tallest peak at haleakala is called "house of the sun". Its altitude is 3055m above sea level and it is the highest point on the island of Maui.



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