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Gleber Amaral



"Aloha is the Hawaiian word for Love, affection, Peace, Compassion

and mercy , it is commonly misused as a simple greeting."



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The ancient legend of Hawai'iloa, a hero  who accidentally stumbled upon the islands, returned to his homeland and then organized a colonizing expedition that included his family and other eight skilled navigators. They settled on the Island of Hawaii, named in his honour.

The legend also contains reference to his children: Kaua'i, O'ahu and Maui, who settled on the islands and bear their names.

"Oahu" is the third largest and the most populated of the Hawaiian islands.

 it has for a long time been known  as the "gathering place".

It is the place where the clear blue waters meet metropolitan cityscapes of Honolulu.

Waikiki Beach is a neighbourhood of Honolulu on the south shore of Oahu.

With sparkling white sand beaches, dramatic and rugged shores, historical sights, and metropolitan delights with very relaxed atmosphere. Oahu presents a near endless supply of scenic beauty and exciting activities to enjoy.


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