Gleber Amaral
"My favorite things in life don't cost any money.
It's clear that the most precious resource we all have is time."
Steve Jobs

"Valle de La Luna is a valley in the Flamencos National Reserve, in Northern Chile's Atacama Desert. It is known for it's strange moonlike landscape with rugged mountains, sand dunes, sand and stone formations, caverns, dry lakes, saline outcrops and colorful escarpments, all of which contribute to the eerie moon like landscape.
Eons of winds and floods have given the desert a series of colours and textures to the desert. This wonderful natural phenomenon is due to the encounter of the Andes moutains range with the Atacama desert. The valley has dry lakes, in where the salt composition of these covers with a beautiful white mantle. the valley is surrounded by volcanic peaks that cascade as far as the eye can see.
The Atacama desert is widely considered the driest desert in the world and Valley de la Luna itself is one of the driest places on earth, with some areas having gone without rain for hundreds of years.