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Gleber Amaral



"I discovered things about myself because I felt like the Fire was a sort of essence of all life. Although, it really is more a phenomena in some sense because there's a magic to it"

                                                         Crimson Rose - The godmother of fire arts


Fire is a sacred element to life and an essential part of the Burning man culture. Fire for many people is regarded as an element of Power, Energy and Passion. Fire allows one to hold the power and passion of the gods, right in the palm of the metaphorical hand. Fire blazes within the collective conciousness at Burning man, through the waves of thought with concepts of vivacious vitality, creativity and inspiration.

On Saturday Night, The Fire conclave, hundreds of fire dancers from performance groups from all over the world, perform around "The Man" giving their gift of fire dancing to burners,  before setting "The Man" on Fire.



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